
22 June 2016, 02:43

Students always willing to pay higher rental if all basic furnished provided. It will be nice to provide them convenient sourcing for furniture themselves since the cost incurred quite high and time consuming.

They like to invite friend for assignment, group discussion, study and play games (especially male students).

So, as an owner, basic furniture proven return on investment. Please look below for costing and item nary. Basic furniture here also subject to low cost but good quality and easily replaceable.

Recommended basic furnishing guide:-

Living Room: RM200 budget

-Coffee table – a 4-6 person fit coffee table will do. The material can choose a simple plywood table. Students like to put their laptop on table while doing their assignments. This as well allow them to invite friends to play games if they want.

-6 chairs / sofa (if low cost) – 4 or 6 (even better) plastic chair can be easily obtain at very low cost anywhere. Student feel good if have more chair for them to put beg after back from campus.


Bedroom: RM500 budget (Assume 3 bedroom)

-Bed – Depend on how many bedroom you have, each bedroom shall provide a bed. The bed quality will be nice for a foldable bed with certain thickness. It is low cost and easily obtainable in hypermarket as well.

-Wardrobe – Each bedroom have minimum one wardrobe will do. The wardrobe can be made of canvas material and easily recyclable. Again, this is easily purchase anywhere even online marketplace.

-Chest of drawers – Please provide one for master bedroom since the student/s in this bedroom will play role to take care of your property. It give them feel good and unfair advantage as compare to other bedroom.


Bathroom: RM150

-Wall-mounted mirror – This give them pleasure to feel like their own home and a feel good furniture.


Kitchen: RM1250

-Washing machines – You might purchase a second hand washing machines at pretty low cost. Minimum semi-automatic will as well save their time washing cloth.

-fridge freezers – A second hand fridge do allow them to store some cold drinks or foods. Make sure it is easily maintenance with only gas-filling required. No gas leaking to make sure it is functioning at all time.

-Rubbish bin – Minimum One big rubbish bin with cover provide to keep your property clean. It also encourage all your tenant throw rubbish daily.

-Basic cooking utensils – The basic 7 in 1 set easily purchase during sales period. Some plastic plate and spoon fork as well quite cheap to obtain during hypermarket sale period.


So, if sum up all your investment the total cost: RM2100=RM175/month

Furnished rental price could be: RM250 + unfurnished rental price (market price)

Besides, having a basic furniture will also attract good tenants and encourage them to take care because they feel like their own home.

In short, this investment worth and within one year cover all cost. The second year onwards is considered net profit for your pocket money.


Written By : LIM YUNG FOO


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